
The Fox Terrier Club - Yearbook 2024

The 2024 yearbook has been printed and for those not collected at Crufts, have been mailed out to members

If you wish to pay The Fox Terrier Club for yearbook adverts, please see details below. If you wish to pay The Fox Terrier Club for subscriptions, please go to our Membership page for details.

Yearbook Advertising

The Fox Terrier Club greatly appreciates all the support received for the advertising section of it's annual Yearbooks.

This high quality Yearbook documents the breed every year and is issued to all Members of The Fox Terrier Club. The Yearbook is seen by breeders, exhibitors and enthusiasts of Fox Terriers throughout the world - most of whom will keep the book as a source of reference in years to come. A copy is also kept on the shelves of The Kennel Club library. An ideal place to advertise.

Yearbook Advertising Rates

£ 50 One page - £ 85 Two pages - £35 for each page thereafter

We can now accept payment in any currency through debit cards, credit cards and ApplePay (no surcharge)

If you need help with advert design to set up your adverts - Elle Care will be able to design and set your adverts up so that they are ready for printing.

No charge for additional photos on one page.

Payment options - Bank transfer (preferred), Paypal, Cheque, Debit/Credit card and ApplePay

Note for online card payments - after selecting the number of pages and clicking on ‘Add to Cart’ below, please then click on the shopping cart icon in top right corner of this page to checkout/complete payment

Yearbook Advertising Rates £50/one page, £85/two pages, £35/each page thereafter


Select the quantity of advertising pages you wish to purchase

Bank transfer payments (Preferred where possible):
Please include the name of who the advert is for and ‘advert' in the payment reference
For example: TSmith - Advert Bank Details
Sort code: 40-13-29        Account:  11520016        Bank: HSBC IBAN: GB21HBUK40132911520016       BIC: HBUKGB4121T

Please make your cheque payable to: The Fox Terrier Club and send to the Acting Hon. Treasurer - Joanna Darby at the address below Joanna Darby The Grange
Clifton Road 
DE12 8BX United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1827 373278

PayPal: If you would like to pay directly by Paypal, please make a payment to our Paypal account: clubfoxterrier2024@gmail.com Please add in the payment note who the advert is for

How to submit an Advert:

Email Address to submit ‘Pre-Finished’ Adverts
Please submit pre-finished adverts to the Yearbook Advert Coordinator Elle Care -

Email address: thunderail@hotmail.com

Advert page specifications and guidance are detailed further below

Advert Design/Page Set Up:

If your ad is not ‘pre-finished’ (print ready) and you need help with advert design/setting up your page, please contact Elle directly at this email address: thunderail@hotmail.com or on Facebook Messenger

Notes for Pre-finished ads below DO NOT apply if sending in ads to Elle to design and set up for you, as she will take care that your ad will meet our printing specifications

Pre-finished Ad Specs
- Document size 148.5mm x 210 (Full Page)
- Please add 3mm bleed to all 4 edges
- Text inset 12mm all round
- Flattened images should be 300dpi or greater
- For double page spreads our preference is to have them submitted as separate pages, alternatively if submitting as double page spreads please remember include 6mm gutter margin in the centre of the spread to cover the bleed required for the 2 inside edges (3mm each), the centre 6mm of double page spreads submitted will be cropped. A template is available to download below if unclear.

Format Options:
PDF x1a2001 and 300dpi resolution. CMYK Colour Profile: FOGRA39

Advert Templates:

Advert templates are available to download here - when opened in photo editing software such as Photoshop they can be a used as a base for pre-finished adverts.

⬇️ Download Advert Template - Single Page

Format of Photos:

To ensure optimum reproduction we recommend the following:
Photos that are emailed should be at a resolution of at least 300dpi. Images saved as Jpeg or Tiff files are ideal

For photos taken with digital cameras, an original high resolution version by email or on disk is ideal so the image can be taken direct from the original digital file - our printers can adjust colour etc before printing if required.

Each time a digital 'jpeg' image is re-saved or printed then re-scanned in by our printers quality degrades slightly and will loose sharpness. This is why our printers like to work from the original digital file (straight from the camera) rather than a print or 2nd generation file that has been re-saved.

To avoid problems we recommend that you send in the original photo/s with instructions or an idea for the layout

When sending photos from a phone please select the maximum size photo when sending - for example please select ‘Actual size’ option when sending from an iPhone

CC and New Champion Gallery:

Photos ideally need to be side-on of just the dog and sent hi-resolution .JPG please.
There is no charge for inclusion in either of these galleries.

The Fox Terrier Club is offering for sale it’s limited stock of old yearbooks

All members receive a copy of the latest Yearbook - published annually
The most recent edition is issued to members joining part way through the year

Latest Yearbook (2021)
Special Edition Yearbook (2020)

Older Yearbooks (Pre 2020)
If you wish to purchase an older Yearbook they are priced at £5 each
Plus Postage & Packaging: £2 for UK, £4 for Overseas.

Please send orders & any further enquiries to the Secretary: 
Joanna Darby
The Grange
Clifton Road 

Tel: +44 (0)1827 373278
Email: classicwaydogs@aol.com


Advert Queries

Jenny Thornton (Bookings)

Elle Care (Technical/Design)

ONLINE Payment Options:

Bank Transfer (preferred)


Debit Cards/Credit Cards


Please scroll down this page for full details of how to make a payment

NON-ONLINE Payment Options:

By post (cheque)
Acting Hon Treasurer. - Joanna Darby

The Grange
Clifton Road 
DE12 8BX United Kingdom

All payment queries
Please contact our Acting Hon Treasurer
Joanna Darby
+44 (0)1827 373278